Sunday, July 17, 2011

Elle the Elephant!

Say Hello (or Hola, Hallo, Oi, Jambo, etc..) to....ELLE THE ELEPHANT!

Oh yes, this is a wooden elephant, named Elle...pronounced El-eeeee. Not that stupid El-aaaa way, which makes no sense due to the spelling.

Behind Elle...I am now realizing I'm the stupid one for not having her name spelled Ellie, thus creating no confusion on it's pronunciation. Aw shucks, too late now.

As I was saying...echem..(that was me clearing my throat)...Behind Elle is a shirt with the Brazilian flag on it. I particularly like this shirt because I have some great friends from Brazil, and Brazilian guys are great kissers so it brings back good memories.

When I bought this shirt I was with a friend, and the shirt was from the guys section so I was totally like, oh I'm getting this for my brother. Haha cuz I'm a dork like that!

So back to the real subject, Elle. I've had this elephant for some time. I'm pretty sure I bought her at Target (coincidentally this shirt is also from there) when she was on sale for like $2.00. Who can turn down a $2 wooden elephant?!

It started me on an elephant liking rampage, although I don't particularly care for the giant rough skinned ones, really just the cute small dark wooden ones. I have since bought a wooden dolphin and another elephant in a lighter tone. Both of which I now hate and regret the purchase of. I tried to start a thing, but Elle is one of a kind.

I have at times considered Elle to be a good luck charm. I brought her with me on a major trip for this reason, and almost brought her on another except I was really low on luggage space and she just didn't make the cut.

I couldn't tell you why she has become a good luck charm, it just happened, and now I love her and take her places, not like out to dinner you freaks, more like tucked away in a backpack now and then. She likes going places, we have that in common. Okay I'm realizing I'm starting to sound completely weird and semi-retarded now so that means time to end this post.

We're lovers not fighters.

I think it's important to note that after I made this post the ad on the next screen was titled.."Brazilian girls!" Thank you google adsense for stalking..I mean knowing me so well

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